
WindGrid aims to facilitate the energy transition in Europe and beyond: we develop, build, own and operate electricity transmission infrastructure.

Our areas of expertise

Project development

Our team consists of seasoned professionals that have a wealth of experience in originating, designing, permitting and developing large-scale electricity transmission projects.

Energy sector networks

We foster close relationships that are based on mutual trust with leaders and professionals from the transmission and energy sectors in Europe and the U.S., and participate in key fora to inform and support policymaking.

Construction and operation know-how

In our work on transmission projects, we leverage the experience that Elia Group has built up via its transmission system operators in Belgium (Elia) and Germany (50Hertz). Both are leading TSOs with an outstanding track record in on- and offshore grid development, including in driving innovative solutions to solve complex problems.

Energy sector regulation

We have an expert understanding and knowledge of EU and U.S. regulatory frameworks, which we constantly sharpen via discussions with our sister companies.

System and market modelling

We harness the proficiency that Elia and 50Hertz have in developing predictive models and analysing future energy system scenarios.

Transatlantic reach

Our partnership with energyRe, a developer of large and complex transmission projects, provides us with U.S. knowledge, industry relationships and new market opportunities.

Our team


Our team, just like our expertise, is international: our members of staff are based across Europe and the U.S.

Meet our management team

Meet our management team

If you have a specific enquiry for one of our team members, you can contact them via the links below.

Interested in working with us?
Christophe Durieux
Head of Business Development
Interested in working for us?
Sylvie Badoual
HR Business Partner
Have a media enquiry?
Marleen Vanhecke
Elia Group Head of Communication and Reputation

You can also contact us here: 

Contact us



We are currently in the process of developing plans for an offshore hybrid interconnector that will link Scotland to Germany whilst also being connected to an offshore wind farm. When built, HansaLink will enable the generation and exchange of green electricity between both countries, so enhancing their security of supply and driving CO2 emissions reductions. Indeed, projects of this kind have been identified by European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) studies as being crucial for the energy transition.

HansaLink is due to deliver significant economic benefits for both countries and their consumers. It has been estimated that the project’s development, construction, and first 30 years of operation will generate around €1.2 billion of gross added value and will support more than 10,000 full-time equivalent job years’ worth of employment. 

The project is still in its early stages of development; we have provisional connection agreements in place for it with the Scottish (SSEN Transmission) and German (TenneT) grid operators. We are working closely with regulators and consenting bodies to understand exactly what will be required to successfully take the project forward. 


Elia Group launches vision paper on the virtuous circle of offshore wind benefits in Europe

North Sea power hub MOG marks five years of operation with remarkable results

Elia Group enters into a firm agreement to acquire a 35.1% stake in energyRe Giga, a US clean energy company, marking a strategic step towards establishing itself as an internationally renowned expert in the field of electricity transmission

The North Sea Summit logo

Elia Group signs Offshore Renewable Industry Declaration and expresses support for political agreements reached at the North Sea Summit today in Ostend (BE)

mock-up Princess Elisabeth Island

Elia awards EPCI contract for world’s first energy island to DEME and Jan De Nul

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic and WindGrid announce agreement to work together in support of New Jersey offshore wind transmission proposal

PPL Corporation and Elia Group announce agreement to develop transmission solutions to connect future offshore wind capacity to onshore grid in New England

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