Our areas of expertise

Project development

Energy sector networks

Construction and operation know-how

Energy sector regulation

System and market modelling

Transatlantic reach
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Our team, just like our expertise, is international: our members of staff are based across Europe and the U.S.
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We are currently in the process of developing plans for an offshore hybrid interconnector that will link Scotland to Germany whilst also being connected to an offshore wind farm. When built, HansaLink will enable the generation and exchange of green electricity between both countries, so enhancing their security of supply and driving CO2 emissions reductions. Indeed, projects of this kind have been identified by European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) studies as being crucial for the energy transition.
HansaLink is due to deliver significant economic benefits for both countries and their consumers. It has been estimated that the project’s development, construction, and first 30 years of operation will generate around €1.2 billion of gross added value and will support more than 10,000 full-time equivalent job years’ worth of employment.
The project is still in its early stages of development; we have provisional connection agreements in place for it with the Scottish (SSEN Transmission) and German (TenneT) grid operators. We are working closely with regulators and consenting bodies to understand exactly what will be required to successfully take the project forward.


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